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And yeah I used rojak language, so you might not want to read this

Graduated from Penang Matriculation College

It's around a month since matriculation students graduated. Some buat part time jobs, some join classes and some volunteered to help with the next matriculation students intake. As for me? As far as I realised I've only stayed home and did nothing except for feeding the hamsters, the cats and help out with house chores. I'm helping Papa with a work, which is in progress -after 2 weeks. Adalah hang out dengan kawan 2 kali since balik hari tu and I didn't get to join a camp with Dini, which is sangat rugiii :(

I'm in Tokwan's place now and will be home only on Tuesday night. I'm getting my final exam results on 29th which is on this Tuesday too. I'm full of excitement! So eager and can't wait for tomorrow to come! Takut jugak ni but I pray everything will be perfect insyaAllah

Dulu mula-mula masuk matriks homesick, sekarang matricsick pulak. But takde la teruk. Just missing my friends and awesome room mates kat sana. Many things happened during my stay and most of them worth remembering. I'll get there soon, together with my results, bye! :D

Kolej Matrikulasi Pulau Pinang

Only located in Kepala Batas, Seberang Prai. So kalau, kalauuuu nk lawat, jgn la pergi island tu tau? I'm coming KMPP! Eee tak larat nk post bnyk benda tak post lg kat blog ni waaa tkde masa dah k bye. Wish me the best!

Don't Give a Crap or Even A Crab to SPaMers

23 March 2011
Ok pagipagi dah berdebar. Dalam kereta makin berdebar. Sampai sekolah dupdapdupdapdupdap. Berdiri depan meja tunggu cikgu cari results my nervous system had gone wild and it was scary. 

Then I was like 
It's the time for it

And now I'm like
Nah, I'm cool with it

Alhamdulillah syukur dapat rezeki Allah kasi. Walaupun ada sedikit kekecewaan tapi kita tetap kena bersyukur. Amin.

And now, tiada lg debaran!

Yang dapat hebat, bersyukur kat Tuhan. Jangan over confident. SPM is a small small thing. Tak penting pun untuk berjaya. Orang fail pun boleh berjaya. Yang dapat diluar jangkaan, jangan sedih sedih. Life must go on. Buat apa sedih sedih. Esok lusa orang lupa dah. Tak bagi impak sangat pun dalam life korang. Sikit tu ada la. Setiap langkah korang ambil memang ada sikit impaknya.

Korang boleh usaha lagi banyak banyak. Mesti berjaya, insyallah. Aku pernah fail Add Maths dapat 1-digit number je. Sejak tu mula usaha, sekarang alhamdulillah banyak perbezaannya. Time trial SPM, physics dpt A-, SPM betul, A tu dah terbang tibatiba. Apa apa pun boleh jadi kan.

Memang setiap benda yang terjadi ada hikmahnya. Elok ke buruk ke tetap ada hikmahnya. Tak berjaya sekarang, esok lusa Allah kasi kejayaan tu. Kalau takde dalam pelajaran, mesti ada dalam benda lain. Korang kena cari je. Tak pun Allah nak kasi kejayaan kat akhirat. Allah tu hebat. Korang star sekali pun, tibatiba boleh jadi zero. Macam tu jugak sebaliknya.

Janganlah sedih. Sumpah aku turut sedih tengok korang sedih. Ikut hati rasa nak koyak slip aku, bina time machine kembali zaman duludulu sebelum SPM. Lepas tu kita belajar samasama dengan lebih banyak usaha. Tapi tu semua anganangan, science fiction je buat masa ni. Kalau ada pun, sejarah tak patut diubah. Nanti semua hancur.

Benda dah lepas, kt lepaskan je. Buat jadi pengajaran, jd pendamping, jd kekuatan. Jgn ditangiskan sangat pasal SPM ni. It's a very small thing. Kalau korang bersedih sampai stress sampai mati pun, percayalah stotek pun not worth it.

Bak kata Bill Gates, time exam dulu dia banyak fail tapi kawan dia pass semua, sekarang dia jd owner Microsoft and kawan dia tu bekerja under dia.

Nak berjaya, banyak caranya. Toksah nak count on sangat kat SPM pejadahnya ni. Dapat results hebat, sambung study belajar lamalama lepas busukbusuk 5 tahun baru kerja. Kalau korang buat business ke show ke apa ke, 5 tahun tu korang dah buat banyak duit, nama and berjaya.

"Don’t cry over something which will only worsen your condition, cry over something which will make your life better"
– my own awesome brain, Epah
And friends, you made my day, really! 
"If at the end of the day, there’s someone out there who has a better day because of us…then we’ve succeeded."
– Wong Fu Productions (via fyeahawesomeasians)

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