"Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur streets of Kuala Lumpuuur"
Now I'm in Damansara, KL. Malam ni Mama ada flight pukul 2 pagi. Awal kan? LOL. Well, it's holidaaay nooow. Yahoo! Homework pun tak banyak. Just Math and Bio. I'm gonna stay home, lepak at friends house, go to the cinema, cycle every evening and play games all day long (esp Luna Online). Mahu tengok Night at the Museum 2 by this week. Ok ok.
Exam dah habis kan? Results pun ada yang dah dapat. Ok laa. Ada pencapaian in Physics(62% from 46%) and Bahasa Malaysia(65% from 57%). Sejarah paper one pun ok. Tapi paper 2 tak dapat lagi '=.= takut. Bio paper 1 i got 36 over 50 haha. Physic and sejarah pun better. Math dapat 91 :D Add Math? '=.=
Last day school was good. I slept in the class sampai baring2 lagi LOL. Then at 12 afternoon we had a gotong-royong. Best. Tapi bengang betul ah dengan bebudak yang tak buat duty and merayap merata2. Grr.. Bersih oh kelas. We even cleaned the windows! Yang tingkap part depan gila la weh. Cantik shiny jee. Dah sampai part belakang, hampeh. Still berdebu. Dah malas la time tu haha. Lap tingkap guna newspaper. Bak kata Durga, newspaper ada ammonia maah. Dalam sabun kan ada ammonia rite? Haha. Then Durga cakap the electrostatic condition will attract the dust. So, tingkap tu akan berhabuk balik. Pergh hebat ah Durga. Class top scorer tu. An open-minded student and suka share ilmu. Haha. Balik lepak ngan Nana, Ikha and Eid kat depan sekolah. Best borak2. Gonna miss them oh.
Btw ada orang cari pasal with my friend oh. Padan muka ramai dah tau sekarang. Biar dia kena hunt. Benci betul budak tu. Muka cam hape je. Dah la one of his aweks same school as mine. Buka sekolah nanti nak jumpa dia, drop2 dia habis2an then belasah dia. Lol.
Last words, you mess with my friends means you mess with me. Means I'll hate you and I'll make sure you pay for it. Rawr!
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Politic. An issue that will never die. An issue that seperates people apart. An issue which contributes to war. An issue that makes people dishonest, selfish and stupid. I'm a dishonest girl in this dishonest country. The leaders teached me to be that way. Infact they teached all of us to be dishonest. Some teached us to be liars, corupters and even killers. There are bad leaders choosed by good people(us) hoping the leaders would help them. But instead, they turned their back on us. Oh leaders. You're not as good as us. You're even worse from the leaders in a bad slaughtering countries. Jerks? That are us, made by you. All that happened, all that we lost all this while is because of you. Wake up oh nation of Malaysia. Wake up and look into thou heart. Look for kindness, look for honesty. For wee shall be dead by 2100, which by that time Malaysia will be destroyed by other powerful, united nations.
Mantera untuk pemimpin-pemimpin negara. Mereka pandai membaca bukan?
Mantera untuk pemimpin-pemimpin negara. Mereka pandai membaca bukan?
Click to view a debate of politic in Perak.
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Rumah Baru Anis
Jumaat, 1 Mei 2009, Anis buat majlis doa selamat. So, ktorg pn pegi.
(Gambar di atas, captured by Anis)
Best oh! Besa gile rumah baru Anis haha. Makanan pun sedaaapp. Ade ayam goreng, udang masak merah, macam2 ah! & ade satu dish ape ntah ni, sedap oh! Pastu ade kuih macam jeli, tu pn sedap ^^ Err, lapar la plak. Mmg kenyang la malam tu haha.

captured by Nana (sbb tu laa bluurr) hahah!
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