Gaaahhh.. Tomorrow going to Jusco. But why everyone can't go? Dgn Mas and Farahin je la kut esok. Tsk :/
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Today I had fun. Joining an activity by Kiwanis. Dance joget joget with Wen June, Sze Yen and others. Anie pulak pandai tak bawak baju pj lols. I'm the only form 4's Malay who joined that activity. Boring gila takde kawan Melayu td haha. But best! I only get to learn 3 dances. Then balik kelas and malas dah nak pergi coz takde kawan :| Then tny Shantene best? She said beesst. They watched the Kiwanis' people performed a hiphop dance and they got to learn some moves D: So stupid la me for not joining.
So final exams are over. FINALLY! It was haaarrrdd. But maybe it's because I didn't really put my effort into studying for the finals. But then people yg study pun cakap susah. Soooo, whatever. I score 39 for Paper 1 of Math ^^ Yeah dah dpt. Esok Chemistry and I can't wait! Finals maahh, who doesn't want to get the results right?
This exam I rajin sikit. I went to library with Ija, Nana, Ai Ling and Zaheen. KONONnya nak study. But I think mostly we sembang :| Even the 'pengawas' -whom we called Mafia XD- marah marah. So kecoh.
Now I'm getting ready for the kem kenaikan pangkat KRS. Must siapkan the log book soon :| Banyak lgiiii. And I'll be studying Geo soon. Nak take for SPM lah konon ><>
P/S: 6 days to anniversaryyy :D
Wednesday here I come babyy
Just wanna say thanks to that guy who taught me so many things bout my life. Who make me tougher to go through this life. Who picked me up when I fell. Reached my hand when I'm lost. You're my best friend evaaaa
Gifts from Japan
It have been a while since Mama come back home from Japan. She had a fun trip and ate many raw seafood. Jealous oh '-- I want too. Btw, she bought many gifts for me and my siblings. Thank you Mama :D
New sweater! :D
Cute stuffs
And chocolates *bnyk dah habis
I still wishing I can travel around the world like my mom ><
P/S: the chocs are yummyyy
Lostworld of Tambun
come baby, i'll save yaa
Yesterday I went to Lostworld of Tambun with my family :D It was fun! We got to pet many animals. The new Petting Zoo is awesome! There are lots and lots and lots of animals from birdies to even phyton :O
We went there at about 10.30am. Then sampai2 je ktorg pergi Petting Zoo dulu. Then we watch the Tiger and makan3, -the food are expensive- solat then swiiiimmm. Gelap dah ni lols.
Then main games tu. Best yg pirate ship tu. Menjerit2 org haha. And we watched tiger feeding show. The tigers are damn cool! Hebat je deorg tangkap the food yg trainer tu baling. About 4.30pm ktorg siap2 nak balik dah. Btw, we didn't change our clothes there :P Malas laa bhaha.
Before balik, Mama and Kina stopped by the Lostworld gift shop. While waiting, I had my driving lesson :O Papa la ajar haha. Best oh!
Malas nak upload bnyk2 gambar.
For more picture go to my facebook at
*promote fb plak :P
Exam starts tomorrow! :S
Btw, still playing games today HAHA.
Yesterday went to Fatihah's place. Beraya laa. Papa sent me to Fana's house, then we tumpang Syaida lol. There were 5 people who went there. Fana, Farahin, Syaida, Nabilah and me :D Makaaaaan and tengok Hindustan XD Got lot of food. Ada mee gulung -mee yg digulung dalam telur then makan dgn sup haha-, koktel, kek makaroni and kueh laa haha. Sedap oh. Banyak kali tambah. I ate the most! :P
Then balik, ayah Fatihah hantar. Ngeh.
Today I suppose to go to Athirah's place. Tp takde transport leerr.
Ok, so I had mengaji in the morning. Then Papa taught me some Agama for the exam haha.
For dinner, Papa cooked chicken curry! :D Nasib baik ada org reti masak haha. Then I goreng sayur lol.
Mama will arrive Ipoh at about 11.30pm nanti. Wohoo! :O Haven't meet her for two weeks already. But I'll be sleeping by that time '--
2nd Personality Test
Okay, so first you gotta have a paper, a pencil and an eraser with you. This one you need to draw :P If you're not good at drawing, just hentam laa. Like me LOL. AND please be honest to your self. Draw first, then only continue reading okay? :)
Btw, draw these things:
- Gunung
- Rumah
- Pokok
- Ular
- Sungai
- Burung
- Orang -org lidi pun jadiii lah
Lukis je ikut suke hatii. Ade rupe tu cukup laaah.
Don't look down yet! It wouldn't be fun anymore haha.

My drawing :D
Now time for the meaningsss HEES
- Gunung -Ketinggian gunung melambangkan your ambitions/dreams (eg: medium -dreams not too high or low)
- Rumah -Not available
- Pokok -If you drew fruits or flowers on it, mean you want to have babiess :D Well, if none then maybe your partner is mandul/mati pucuk or wtv you call them HAHA
- Ular I -Jarak dari rumah = jarak with your partner. If your snake is across the river, then he/she is someone from overseas LOL
- Ular II -The size of the snake shows yr level of xxx drive XD
- Sungai -not available
- Burung -Shows how many person that you like/adore :P
- Orang- If you drew the people outside the house, then you're open and got the guts. Wohoo! If dalam rumah, you are close and manja and wtv it is '--
*this thing is so not 100% true
P/S: sorry for the bad quality picture
got this during civic lesson
from cik jash :)
1st Personality Test
If you wanna play this, please be honest and don't read the blue texts -try to resist- :) Then only it'll be fun! Promise.
You were lost in a forest, then you found a house. Is the door open or close?
Close [i'm a close person. huh?]
You went into the house, you saw a table? What's the shape of the table?
Round? [i can get well with my friends and i'm not picky in choosing friends]
There's a vase on the table? Is the water level in the vase empty, half or full?
Half [i haven't achieve my dreams yet '--]
Is the vase made out of porcelain, glass, plastic, wood, metal or clay?
Wood [im a tough one]
You get out of the house again, then you saw a waterfall 2-3 meters away. From 1-4, rate the speed of the stream.
Uhh.. 1? [something to do with xxx]
You walked again, you found a keychain. How many keys were there?
Uhh 3? [i own lots of friends. yeahh]
Next, you past by a castle. Is the castle old or new?
Old -It's classic DUH [the previous relationship was not a good one? which PREVIOUS relationship haa?]
Then you saw a bunch of jewellary, did you take it?
Naaah -I'm a goodie goodiee :D [im a loyal person DUH haha]
Next you saw a bag of money? Hmmm?
I'll take it! :D -sorry, can't resist [i've got a partner and still flirting? NOT TRUE >< ]
Then you enter into a huge garden and you saw a box -somewhere-. Is the box small, medium or big?
Small -small things are cutee [my ego is small keh]
Was the box made out of cardboard, wooden, paper or metal?
Wooden? [...cant rmmbr...]
Then you saw a bridge. Is the bridge made out of metal, wooden or rooten?
Wooden? Again? [the bond with my friends are strong. yeah, some]
Then you'll see a horse. Is the horse white, red, brown or black?
White -so angelic haha [i see my partner as a caring and humble person. SO TRUE :D ]
Is it running around, eating grass or staying still?
Eating grass? [my partner is soft-hearted. you wouldnt wanna know :| ]
Finally, if there's a tornado, would you hid in the box, hid under the bridge or ride the horse to run away?
Ride the horse -looks cool LOL. Besides why won't I save the horse too? [when i got problems, i'll tell my friends and we'll solve it together. yeaahh. trustable friends laa]
*these are the questions and MY answers
*the meaning is in the brackets --> [.............]
*this thing is so not 100% true
got this during civic lesson
from cik jash :)
Gaaah! Exam will be on next Monday and I haven't studied Agama yet! Why the hell did they planned the exam too early? Now focusing deeply into Sejarah hope for getting A.
Btw, the SPM grades which are A1, A2, B3, B4 and so on have been changed to A+, A, A- and blablabla. There's nothing change exactly. & To get A+ we must score 90 and over!
Need to work harder?! Hrghh. Stupid Jabatan Pelajaran.
Plus, today only I realise I got some Iron(III) chloride chemical on the baju kurung which I wear on Monday
Good thing it's not the Iron(II) sulphate which smells like shit!
Mama is in Fukuoka now. She says she can't find any internet there and the hotel she's staying in has an 11pm curfew! '--
Third Week of Raya
So, this is the third week of Raya. People still having open houses and stuffs. On Friday I went to Pak Yussof's open house. The food are scrumptious! Macam-macaaam ada :) Mee goreng, nasi goreng, laksa, ketupat palas, nasi impit, mee sup, bbq and even kambing panggang :O I only ate mee sup and kambing panggang (rugi tak makan banyak '--) I like the mee sup so much!
Then I went to another neighbour house with my brother. I just ate some kuih and drank Ribena and went home. My brother stays there a little while and then he went to Pak Yussof's house again and grabbed some Bbq. So unfaiiiir.
I haven't visited any of my friends house for Raya :O Except for Maslaily. Haha. I went their with Fana today. Then makanmakanmakan like usual laaah. Best! But sulk sikit sebab dgr cite _____ *i better just shut up rite?
Btw, my kittens are 3weeks plusplus old now! :D Gebugebu Gemokgemok je semua haha. And they've been playing with me too ^^ And we've been like 11months together now kan honey?Woot wooot. You're so cruel yesterday :'/ But we're okay now rite? :D I love you laa bebeh.
P/S: Will be sitting for exam next week :(
And I haven't studied a thing!
So Raya is fantastic! :D Got to eat lots of Raya delicacies and get manyyy duit raya LOL
Two days before Raya, my family and I head back to kampung. Which is in Terengganu :| Far rite? The journey was exhaustiiiiing. On the road we saw many kinds of animals. My adek, Kina, was veryyy excited. We saw cows, sheeps, monkeys and even a dead boar XD
First Raya was great! We just beraya at rumah Toknong and Tok Ki. Got duit raya from relatives who visited us there :P Then after some rest, me, Kina and Syakir went to town with Abg Ju and his brother. He belanja McD :D Then we went to the beach and lepaklepak. We went home and found out Mama and Papa haven't go out the whole day '-- Btw it was Syakir's bday.
Second Raya was kinda tiring. We went here and there and ate lots of foooood until late at night. Still, it was fun. We even went to Tok Mi's house. He has lots of cute birdies :D
Third Raya is time to go home. We get to visit some relatives houses before heading back to Ipoh. And eat some more HAHA. The whole time in Terengganu, I've been stuffing myself with Nasi Minyak, Nasi Dagang and some other Terengganu cuisine :)
On the night of fourth Raya, I went to Harith's house. Her sister was engaged that day. And it was Kak Long's youngest son's birthday. So lot of things happened on one day. That night Ija, Rynn, her sister and me ate bbq and mee hoon goreng. And we had fun. Ija tak habis-habis main kamera sesape ntah haha. Then, jumpa la ramairamai org. Woot wooot. Her sister called me ------ Ntah HAHA. It was fun there.
The next day I held a rumah terbuka for friends. The main food was Dim Sum lol. Special food for Raya rite? Then Papa cooked mee goreng. First time tengok Papa masak! He even fried the keropok lekor. That day was boreeeed. Not many of my friends come and even honey didn't come! *sulk ;(
And we had a great humongous fight like never before
p/s: malas nak upload gambar
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