"She is not a bird to be kept in a cage. You should let her fly free"
"A woman is not a thing to be treated like she is yours only. She has her own life and so do you"
"You are a friend in my heart"
"I love you with all my heart"
"Therefore I won't hurt you anymore"
"I know everyone will try to hurt my girlfriend for taking me away from them. But I surely won't let them hurt the person who I love the most"
"I love you with all my heart"
"Therefore I trust you very much and won't ever doubt you for something stupid"
"You are mine only, but you are theirs' too. And I hope you won't run away from me for them"
"Would you kill yourself to save me?"
"I promise I won't hurt you mentally, physically and emotionally. Because I love you so much and I'll let you hurt me so that you're happy"
You are given a token of gratitude for stopping by
Please buy me a collection of Roald Dahl's book?
Can you. Please so veryyyy much. I'll peck you in the cheek if you do so! :D
Roald Dahl is the world's num 1 famous story teller. I totally agree with that. And if you don't know about it, you are so not into reading I guess? '-- There are tons and tons of evidence for the title given to him. He wrote every story with all his heart, putting some of the experience he had and pulling us into the world he create. I could imagine I'm in a field full of many kinds of creature, or in a factory covered with chocolate everywhere. And he is soooo good at describing food that it make me hungry every time I read about it. Yorkshire pudding, roast pheasants, toad-in-the-hole. What are them? I never even seen a food so fine. He even made up new interesting words which sound cool for me.
As for the illustrations, it was rather simple but meaningful at the same time. Thanks to Quentin Blake, Roald Dahl's books full with painted illustrations. These best friends made a fine couple in producing children's story books :) And his books are not for children only! No for golly good sake! -that what he always use in his text bhaha. Even teenagers and adults enjoy reading his books. Like I said, he somewhat pulls us to a different dimension. A dimension so different that we'll start wondering about the life in that place.
And for your information, he even fought in the World War II. That time he was 23 and he signed up with the Royal Air Force in Nairobi. However despite of his height, he was accepted only as a pilot officer. He even had a luger P08 pistol (as shown beside) pointed at his head by the leader of a German convoy! Roald Dahl's exploites in the war are detailed in his autobiography GOING SOLO. I want that book, please?
Well, thanks to Roald Dahl my English is better. Wayyy better. And I guess reading too much of his stories started to make me scribble my own stories :P Well, he is a good influence. I would really like to meet him but unfortunately he died on 1990. 3 years before I even alive D: The next time if I got the chance to go to London, I'll visit the Roald Dahl's museum or something like that '--
For more information please visit www.roalddahl.com :)
P/S Do you think I can be a SCRUMPTIOUS author like him?
Please say yes :D
Xtraordinary Xray

Tengok tag tu. XRAY! :D *lovelovelove Missing my team mates esp Izzat the leader, Hadi the quiet guy, Nicholas the brain, Syed and Afik the brawn, Jay, Adzira, Pek Ling, Halimah and all :( Tak sempat nak knowing them more. Even though we had some hard time arguing and not wanting to trust each other '--
Guess what, time explorace tu ada satu surat. Then ada tulis 'jumpa Mung Dinung'. Ktorg mencari la tempat/nama Mung Dinung tu dalam map yg dapat. Lama lah jugak. Then baru ada sorg student Tganu said 'Mung Dinung bukan nama lah! Itu maksudnya jumpa kamu di situ!' Others didn't believe her. Then bila ingat2 balik, Mung tu means kamu, di tu di la, nung tu sana. Mmg salah faham la! XD Nasiiiib my hometown in Tganu :) Faham la jugak sikit.
Then as I told you before, we are the CHAMPIOOOONNN :D Jealous? You should, bhaha. We conquer all the categories. Except for Penjelajahan ;| Susahsusah berlari sana sini and it was heavily raining. Then pgg belut lagi. And main traditional game smp nak jatuh2 haha. Buat malu menari Sewang and getting the highest marks hee. Memories :) When will we ever meet again people? :(
Terengganu :)
School holiday started! Wohooo! No more stressing my brain out. I got 11th place in class. Okay la tu, kan? I'm much more happy now. Always thinking on the bright side. No more negative me :D Getting better with my family and boyfie. Knowing more people and friends. Doing more both good and bad stuffs.
Just came back from Terengganu on Saturday. Went there for Karnival Program Pelancongan Pelajar 2009, K3P from 17th November. It was super duper fantastic and fun! I get to knew many people from all over Malaysia. Made new best friends too. Afik from N Sembilan, Syed from Pahang, Nicholas and Hadi from Sarawak, Adzira and Limah from Kedah, Pek Ling and Mira and Izzat and Shima from Penang. Missing them already :( Esp Nicholas and Hadi because they're so far away ><
So many stuffs to tell you guys. But the most important one, Perak won first for Pertandingan Tarian! Yeah. First man. For national level tuuu. But for quiz Perak got 9th place. Just one more mark to be qualified into the semi-final round! Haiihhh.. Not our luck, I guess. Better then nothing :)
Then for explorace, we were seperated from our own state and get in a group with people all over Malaysia. I'm in XRAY and we got first place for explorace! Yeah. With the highest mark for Ujian Tarian, which was lead by Pek Ling and me :P We did Tarian Sewang bhaha. Then we got second place for kategori Harta Karun and first place again for kategori Cabaran. For Cabaran, mmg lawa la their decoration. No one can doubt it. For Penjelajahan we didn't get anything :( And I'm in that category >< Well at least we score the highest score for Ujian Tarian and over all we still are the champion ;D
And there was one day, we had a Ceramah. The person talked about life, friends, family and all. And we were crying because the words are touching and it made us feel bad for what we did to our parents and what our parents had sacrifice for us. Well for me, I started crying because my friends kiri kanan dah teresak2 dah haha. Sebak jadinya. I love you Ma, Pa :)
The last day there, I spent my time with my new best friends. Lepak2 smp pagi and I didn't sleep at all. Rindu :'( Time lepak at the lobby, Syed taught us about his country, Pahang. Afik pulak just taught ME alone about Negeri Sembilan and the mystique things which happened/happens there. I still remember those things :D Thanks so much to Afik and Syed. Btw, they're my adek now ;D Syed macam budak2, comel je. Afik pulak romantik bhaha. Siap bukak pintu for me lagi :P
Kamek sik akan lupa sama kitak - by Hadi. Means, I won't forget you :)
K3P 2009 will always be in my heart. Hope to meet those people again.
*bad stuffs are not written because I wanna forget bout it. okay? but i hope my 'best' friends won't be selfish and pushed me away again :) but i still have new best friends if they do so
Just came back from Terengganu on Saturday. Went there for Karnival Program Pelancongan Pelajar 2009, K3P from 17th November. It was super duper fantastic and fun! I get to knew many people from all over Malaysia. Made new best friends too. Afik from N Sembilan, Syed from Pahang, Nicholas and Hadi from Sarawak, Adzira and Limah from Kedah, Pek Ling and Mira and Izzat and Shima from Penang. Missing them already :( Esp Nicholas and Hadi because they're so far away ><
So many stuffs to tell you guys. But the most important one, Perak won first for Pertandingan Tarian! Yeah. First man. For national level tuuu. But for quiz Perak got 9th place. Just one more mark to be qualified into the semi-final round! Haiihhh.. Not our luck, I guess. Better then nothing :)
Then for explorace, we were seperated from our own state and get in a group with people all over Malaysia. I'm in XRAY and we got first place for explorace! Yeah. With the highest mark for Ujian Tarian, which was lead by Pek Ling and me :P We did Tarian Sewang bhaha. Then we got second place for kategori Harta Karun and first place again for kategori Cabaran. For Cabaran, mmg lawa la their decoration. No one can doubt it. For Penjelajahan we didn't get anything :( And I'm in that category >< Well at least we score the highest score for Ujian Tarian and over all we still are the champion ;D
And there was one day, we had a Ceramah. The person talked about life, friends, family and all. And we were crying because the words are touching and it made us feel bad for what we did to our parents and what our parents had sacrifice for us. Well for me, I started crying because my friends kiri kanan dah teresak2 dah haha. Sebak jadinya. I love you Ma, Pa :)
The last day there, I spent my time with my new best friends. Lepak2 smp pagi and I didn't sleep at all. Rindu :'( Time lepak at the lobby, Syed taught us about his country, Pahang. Afik pulak just taught ME alone about Negeri Sembilan and the mystique things which happened/happens there. I still remember those things :D Thanks so much to Afik and Syed. Btw, they're my adek now ;D Syed macam budak2, comel je. Afik pulak romantik bhaha. Siap bukak pintu for me lagi :P
Kamek sik akan lupa sama kitak - by Hadi. Means, I won't forget you :)
K3P 2009 will always be in my heart. Hope to meet those people again.
*bad stuffs are not written because I wanna forget bout it. okay? but i hope my 'best' friends won't be selfish and pushed me away again :) but i still have new best friends if they do so
P/S photos will be uploaded soon!
Hello My BIG Month
It's November now and you should know it's my fav month of the year. -after april :D Anniversary was over and we didn't get a chance to celebrate it :/ Masing2 busy dgn hal sendiri.
Just got back from KRS camp yesterday. It was tiriiinng and fun (kut?). My marks for writing exam is okay but for oral? Teeettt! Not fair gila. Ada yg biat tgagap2 and tengok nota boleh je dapat markah tinggi nak mampus. Aku? Tak baca nota langsung! Halllaaah. Dah la tak sihat time camp tu. Nasib takyah kawad banyak2. I'm hoping to get high marks for marching, CPR, anduh, ikatan and jahitan. Grhhh. If buat ujian kecergasan and perundangan sure dapat more marks. But cancel la pulak :| Hrghh
I already got some results of the final exams.
Math - 93
Chemistry - 63
Physics - 66
Bahasa Melayu - 84
Agama - 86 (?)
Can't wait to get more results esp Add Math! :)
I already got some results of the final exams.
Math - 93
Chemistry - 63
Physics - 66
Bahasa Melayu - 84
Agama - 86 (?)
Can't wait to get more results esp Add Math! :)
Btw this Saturday there will be a project at my mom's office. It is TAF: Tabung Amirul Fakir project which will be held to collect money for him. He's not feeling well for more than a year now. Everyone is welcome :)
Today I had fun. Joining an activity by Kiwanis. Dance joget joget with Wen June, Sze Yen and others. Anie pulak pandai tak bawak baju pj lols. I'm the only form 4's Malay who joined that activity. Boring gila takde kawan Melayu td haha. But best! I only get to learn 3 dances. Then balik kelas and malas dah nak pergi coz takde kawan :| Then tny Shantene best? She said beesst. They watched the Kiwanis' people performed a hiphop dance and they got to learn some moves D: So stupid la me for not joining.
Gaaahhh.. Tomorrow going to Jusco. But why everyone can't go? Dgn Mas and Farahin je la kut esok. Tsk :/
So final exams are over. FINALLY! It was haaarrrdd. But maybe it's because I didn't really put my effort into studying for the finals. But then people yg study pun cakap susah. Soooo, whatever. I score 39 for Paper 1 of Math ^^ Yeah dah dpt. Esok Chemistry and I can't wait! Finals maahh, who doesn't want to get the results right?
This exam I rajin sikit. I went to library with Ija, Nana, Ai Ling and Zaheen. KONONnya nak study. But I think mostly we sembang :| Even the 'pengawas' -whom we called Mafia XD- marah marah. So kecoh.
Now I'm getting ready for the kem kenaikan pangkat KRS. Must siapkan the log book soon :| Banyak lgiiii. And I'll be studying Geo soon. Nak take for SPM lah konon ><>
P/S: 6 days to anniversaryyy :D
Wednesday here I come babyy
Just wanna say thanks to that guy who taught me so many things bout my life. Who make me tougher to go through this life. Who picked me up when I fell. Reached my hand when I'm lost. You're my best friend evaaaa
Gifts from Japan
It have been a while since Mama come back home from Japan. She had a fun trip and ate many raw seafood. Jealous oh '-- I want too. Btw, she bought many gifts for me and my siblings. Thank you Mama :D
New sweater! :D
Cute stuffs
And chocolates *bnyk dah habis
I still wishing I can travel around the world like my mom ><
P/S: the chocs are yummyyy
Lostworld of Tambun
come baby, i'll save yaa
Yesterday I went to Lostworld of Tambun with my family :D It was fun! We got to pet many animals. The new Petting Zoo is awesome! There are lots and lots and lots of animals from birdies to even phyton :O
We went there at about 10.30am. Then sampai2 je ktorg pergi Petting Zoo dulu. Then we watch the Tiger and makan3, -the food are expensive- solat then swiiiimmm. Gelap dah ni lols.
Then main games tu. Best yg pirate ship tu. Menjerit2 org haha. And we watched tiger feeding show. The tigers are damn cool! Hebat je deorg tangkap the food yg trainer tu baling. About 4.30pm ktorg siap2 nak balik dah. Btw, we didn't change our clothes there :P Malas laa bhaha.
Before balik, Mama and Kina stopped by the Lostworld gift shop. While waiting, I had my driving lesson :O Papa la ajar haha. Best oh!
Malas nak upload bnyk2 gambar.
For more picture go to my facebook at
*promote fb plak :P
Exam starts tomorrow! :S
Btw, still playing games today HAHA.
Yesterday went to Fatihah's place. Beraya laa. Papa sent me to Fana's house, then we tumpang Syaida lol. There were 5 people who went there. Fana, Farahin, Syaida, Nabilah and me :D Makaaaaan and tengok Hindustan XD Got lot of food. Ada mee gulung -mee yg digulung dalam telur then makan dgn sup haha-, koktel, kek makaroni and kueh laa haha. Sedap oh. Banyak kali tambah. I ate the most! :P
Then balik, ayah Fatihah hantar. Ngeh.
Today I suppose to go to Athirah's place. Tp takde transport leerr.
Ok, so I had mengaji in the morning. Then Papa taught me some Agama for the exam haha.
For dinner, Papa cooked chicken curry! :D Nasib baik ada org reti masak haha. Then I goreng sayur lol.
Mama will arrive Ipoh at about 11.30pm nanti. Wohoo! :O Haven't meet her for two weeks already. But I'll be sleeping by that time '--
2nd Personality Test
Okay, so first you gotta have a paper, a pencil and an eraser with you. This one you need to draw :P If you're not good at drawing, just hentam laa. Like me LOL. AND please be honest to your self. Draw first, then only continue reading okay? :)
Btw, draw these things:
- Gunung
- Rumah
- Pokok
- Ular
- Sungai
- Burung
- Orang -org lidi pun jadiii lah
Lukis je ikut suke hatii. Ade rupe tu cukup laaah.
Don't look down yet! It wouldn't be fun anymore haha.

My drawing :D
Now time for the meaningsss HEES
- Gunung -Ketinggian gunung melambangkan your ambitions/dreams (eg: medium -dreams not too high or low)
- Rumah -Not available
- Pokok -If you drew fruits or flowers on it, mean you want to have babiess :D Well, if none then maybe your partner is mandul/mati pucuk or wtv you call them HAHA
- Ular I -Jarak dari rumah = jarak with your partner. If your snake is across the river, then he/she is someone from overseas LOL
- Ular II -The size of the snake shows yr level of xxx drive XD
- Sungai -not available
- Burung -Shows how many person that you like/adore :P
- Orang- If you drew the people outside the house, then you're open and got the guts. Wohoo! If dalam rumah, you are close and manja and wtv it is '--
*this thing is so not 100% true
P/S: sorry for the bad quality picture
got this during civic lesson
from cik jash :)
1st Personality Test
If you wanna play this, please be honest and don't read the blue texts -try to resist- :) Then only it'll be fun! Promise.
You were lost in a forest, then you found a house. Is the door open or close?
Close [i'm a close person. huh?]
You went into the house, you saw a table? What's the shape of the table?
Round? [i can get well with my friends and i'm not picky in choosing friends]
There's a vase on the table? Is the water level in the vase empty, half or full?
Half [i haven't achieve my dreams yet '--]
Is the vase made out of porcelain, glass, plastic, wood, metal or clay?
Wood [im a tough one]
You get out of the house again, then you saw a waterfall 2-3 meters away. From 1-4, rate the speed of the stream.
Uhh.. 1? [something to do with xxx]
You walked again, you found a keychain. How many keys were there?
Uhh 3? [i own lots of friends. yeahh]
Next, you past by a castle. Is the castle old or new?
Old -It's classic DUH [the previous relationship was not a good one? which PREVIOUS relationship haa?]
Then you saw a bunch of jewellary, did you take it?
Naaah -I'm a goodie goodiee :D [im a loyal person DUH haha]
Next you saw a bag of money? Hmmm?
I'll take it! :D -sorry, can't resist [i've got a partner and still flirting? NOT TRUE >< ]
Then you enter into a huge garden and you saw a box -somewhere-. Is the box small, medium or big?
Small -small things are cutee [my ego is small keh]
Was the box made out of cardboard, wooden, paper or metal?
Wooden? [...cant rmmbr...]
Then you saw a bridge. Is the bridge made out of metal, wooden or rooten?
Wooden? Again? [the bond with my friends are strong. yeah, some]
Then you'll see a horse. Is the horse white, red, brown or black?
White -so angelic haha [i see my partner as a caring and humble person. SO TRUE :D ]
Is it running around, eating grass or staying still?
Eating grass? [my partner is soft-hearted. you wouldnt wanna know :| ]
Finally, if there's a tornado, would you hid in the box, hid under the bridge or ride the horse to run away?
Ride the horse -looks cool LOL. Besides why won't I save the horse too? [when i got problems, i'll tell my friends and we'll solve it together. yeaahh. trustable friends laa]
*these are the questions and MY answers
*the meaning is in the brackets --> [.............]
*this thing is so not 100% true
got this during civic lesson
from cik jash :)
Gaaah! Exam will be on next Monday and I haven't studied Agama yet! Why the hell did they planned the exam too early? Now focusing deeply into Sejarah hope for getting A.
Btw, the SPM grades which are A1, A2, B3, B4 and so on have been changed to A+, A, A- and blablabla. There's nothing change exactly. & To get A+ we must score 90 and over!
Need to work harder?! Hrghh. Stupid Jabatan Pelajaran.
Plus, today only I realise I got some Iron(III) chloride chemical on the baju kurung which I wear on Monday
Good thing it's not the Iron(II) sulphate which smells like shit!
Mama is in Fukuoka now. She says she can't find any internet there and the hotel she's staying in has an 11pm curfew! '--
Third Week of Raya
So, this is the third week of Raya. People still having open houses and stuffs. On Friday I went to Pak Yussof's open house. The food are scrumptious! Macam-macaaam ada :) Mee goreng, nasi goreng, laksa, ketupat palas, nasi impit, mee sup, bbq and even kambing panggang :O I only ate mee sup and kambing panggang (rugi tak makan banyak '--) I like the mee sup so much!
Then I went to another neighbour house with my brother. I just ate some kuih and drank Ribena and went home. My brother stays there a little while and then he went to Pak Yussof's house again and grabbed some Bbq. So unfaiiiir.
I haven't visited any of my friends house for Raya :O Except for Maslaily. Haha. I went their with Fana today. Then makanmakanmakan like usual laaah. Best! But sulk sikit sebab dgr cite _____ *i better just shut up rite?
Btw, my kittens are 3weeks plusplus old now! :D Gebugebu Gemokgemok je semua haha. And they've been playing with me too ^^ And we've been like 11months together now kan honey?Woot wooot. You're so cruel yesterday :'/ But we're okay now rite? :D I love you laa bebeh.
P/S: Will be sitting for exam next week :(
And I haven't studied a thing!
So Raya is fantastic! :D Got to eat lots of Raya delicacies and get manyyy duit raya LOL
Two days before Raya, my family and I head back to kampung. Which is in Terengganu :| Far rite? The journey was exhaustiiiiing. On the road we saw many kinds of animals. My adek, Kina, was veryyy excited. We saw cows, sheeps, monkeys and even a dead boar XD
First Raya was great! We just beraya at rumah Toknong and Tok Ki. Got duit raya from relatives who visited us there :P Then after some rest, me, Kina and Syakir went to town with Abg Ju and his brother. He belanja McD :D Then we went to the beach and lepaklepak. We went home and found out Mama and Papa haven't go out the whole day '-- Btw it was Syakir's bday.
Second Raya was kinda tiring. We went here and there and ate lots of foooood until late at night. Still, it was fun. We even went to Tok Mi's house. He has lots of cute birdies :D
Third Raya is time to go home. We get to visit some relatives houses before heading back to Ipoh. And eat some more HAHA. The whole time in Terengganu, I've been stuffing myself with Nasi Minyak, Nasi Dagang and some other Terengganu cuisine :)
On the night of fourth Raya, I went to Harith's house. Her sister was engaged that day. And it was Kak Long's youngest son's birthday. So lot of things happened on one day. That night Ija, Rynn, her sister and me ate bbq and mee hoon goreng. And we had fun. Ija tak habis-habis main kamera sesape ntah haha. Then, jumpa la ramairamai org. Woot wooot. Her sister called me ------ Ntah HAHA. It was fun there.
The next day I held a rumah terbuka for friends. The main food was Dim Sum lol. Special food for Raya rite? Then Papa cooked mee goreng. First time tengok Papa masak! He even fried the keropok lekor. That day was boreeeed. Not many of my friends come and even honey didn't come! *sulk ;(
And we had a great humongous fight like never before
p/s: malas nak upload gambar
Ija's Sweet Sixteen Party
So, I was among the earliest person to know about this thing haha *bangga. It was helded at McD. First ktorg -me, ija, sherot, saf- jalan2 jap. Aryna, Aliaa and Nana tunggu kat McD. Sherot bought a Phillip's headphone cost RM85 for Ija. Woaahh :O Cool right? Haha.
Around 3 pm we started everything. We ate and ate and ate haha. Then we talk and have jokes. Not much but it was fun. Later, some people(taktau nama lol) and Zalila came too.
I bought Spicy Chicken McDeluxe large set. I got a free pink Coca-Cola contour glass. It looks cool. Planning to collect all 7 glasses :)
Btw, we had no cakes so Saf bought some Big Apple's doughnuts and put candles on it *as illustrated. Berebut2 dgn Sherot and Nana, nak light up the candles X)
Then Ija opened all her presents. You know Sherot bagi ape, haha. Then Aryna, Aliaa and Nana bg benda merepek gila. LOL. As if for me, I bought her nothing :( Sorry babe. Nanti2 la.
Bla bla bla and it's almost 6 pm. Everyone had to go already. & Nana dah balik awal dulu. So, that's all.
FUN :)
Always be happy :)
Friends forever <333
P/S: Not really in a good mood. & DUH I told you, karma exist. Fighting and cursing myself.
Shopping Spree
Yesterday I went to Parade with my family. Me and Mama went shopping and Kina and Papa went to Novelhut. My mom bought me a pair of Voir Jeans, a Beverly Hills' hoodie, and two cute t-shirts from the Madoc Collection. I really like those stuffs. Thanks Mama :) I even bought a Cadburyyy :D
Then before heading home, we stopped by McD to buy french fries, coke and chocolate sunday for me, and McFlurry Oreo for my bro.
Today, Mama and I went to Tesco. Again, she bought me a pair of Baju Kurung, a cute t-shirt with a Cow's figure on it (moo), three anonymous thingy and a pair of heels. We spend about one and a half hours shopping there '--
P/S: I got two Baju Kurung, three t-shirts, a pair of jeans, a pair of sandals and heels, and a hoodie for Hari Raya. It all cost about RM406. So waste lerr :| But I'm grateful enough :)
Today I had fun in school! We spend most of our time loitering in the class, doing Rubik cube! I solve it sooo many times already until I felt like puking on it. Well, Thanks so much to Nana, Syefah and Miera who taught me to solve it. And thanks to others who involved in helping me :)
I also got Hari Raya cards -well not actually 'cards' haha- from Syefah and Anie. And 'real cards' from Racheal and Shafiza. Thanks guys.
Then we had Majlis Hari Raya or whatever they called it. Some lucky people got duit raya from the school. After the duit raya giving ceremony, we shake hands with each others -including teachers- and minta maaf for doing anything wrong. We hug and wish Selamat Hari Raya to all of our friends. I said it sooo many times that I felt like puking for saying it LOL. Some of us did cried. Not me though.
Have fun menyambut Hari Raya. Makan banyak-banyak and semoga dapat duit banyak LOLS
Today, school is such a fine place
I had fun in school. TOTALLY! Even though I wasn't feeling really well I can still laugh my guts out when some of my classmates made some unnecessary jokes. Especially my beeeestfriends :) Well the whole class is kinda like my best friends, like my family :) But Syarifah was absent :( Okay, so today we have no homework! Even for Add Math haha. But I need to do some works on Math to catch up with yesterday's homework.
So today we had English oral. 9 people were chosen today. One of them is Paveena. Oh, I love her speech very much! It's about the goodness and badness of schooling lols. Okay, so she started by saying school is such a nice place to make friends, get away from our parents' eyes, and have fun. Here come the best part! The odd of schools. Bhaha. Okay, so she said schools give us mentally disturbed, stress because the subjects we need to learn is soooo damn much. Then, sometimes the teachers have bad mood swings, again we, students, become the victims of stress. The next thing is, every student, I mean EVERY STUDENT, just studies all those subjects to pass the stupid exams that said were set to test our 'mind'. That's another stress.
There are much more that she touches on. But I like this one VERYY MUCH. The UNIFORM - the same outfits we need to wear everyday. Stinking school uniforms which are so ugly. HAHA. And that means we are bonded with the school rules and regulations which are so waste of time and money. And I mean, some of the school rules are stupid. Unreasonable school rules, SUCKS. Haha. That make us feels like in jails! As Paveena said, she read a comic strip with a boy saying "Schools and jails. What's the different?"Everyone laugh! HAHA
So I really like the way she gave the speech. So professional and Mr Gee even invited her to join the school debate team. Wow! :O
Status: I want Cadbury and McD and love and honey and a new bed and a new Sony Ericson's phone and some new clothes and a pair of new sneakers and a new hoodie and be happy :(
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Next, we meet regional leaders face to face, as USD 1 MILLION worth of free trips to the Youth Engagement Summit 2009 (YES2009) where the world's most iconic speakers will meet us for 2 days!
The full story is leaked on our blog http://blog.youthsays.com/505/seachange/
And take the next step at http://youthsays.com/seachange
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We're engaging our leaders in a very powerful way.
For the first time in history 1 MILLION youths, not just in Malaysia, but in Southeast Asia to produce a YOUTH REPORT for leaders in the region to know how to connect with YOU, and help you with the change you want to see in your life.
Next, we meet regional leaders face to face, as USD 1 MILLION worth of free trips to the Youth Engagement Summit 2009 (YES2009) where the world's most iconic speakers will meet us for 2 days!
The full story is leaked on our blog http://blog.youthsays.com/505/seachange/
And take the next step at http://youthsays.com/seachange
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I got 2 Baby Boys and 2 Baby Girls
So this thing should be wrote on 11th September. But I was wayyyy to busyyy bhaha. Okay. I got two baby boys and two baby girls - if I'm not mistaken. Surprisingly it's like the one I planned for! HAHA. They are sooo cute. One is black, two are grayish black, and the other is grayish white -just like a Siberian Cat. Okay so you know it. They are four kitties :)
As big as a palm - Siberian Cat
So cute, right? I first realise in the morning while I was waiting for my bus. But that time there was only one kitten- the black one. Then when I went back home, my sister told me there are four babies! Wohoo :D Their mom is Siren. Which was Rori's mommy too :'( Okay, enough being sad haha. Need to focus on taking care of these babies now X)
Siren and her babies :)
Yeah, so I got back all my August Monthly Test results. And I did super duper totally well! Except for that Add Math which I failed. Haha. Tak sihat la masa tu. Swear. Okay, so I really wasn't actually ready for the test. Well, except for Sejarah and Chemistry. And my marks are awesomeee. From B4 I jumped up to A1. Wohoo! The following are my results -not 100% sure:
Bahasa Malaysia - 94%
Bahasa Inggeris - 92%
Chemistry - 92%
Mathematics - 83%
Sejarah - 83%
Agama - 78%
Biology - 68%
Physics - 65%
Add Math - 8%
Sivik - TH
Am I good? Bhaha. Need to focus more on Add Math, Physics and Bio '-- Which I dislike. I've started practicing Add Math since the last few days. I got help from my dad. Thank you, Papa :D But then I soooo 'unlike' to study Physics. Bio boleh lagi la just baca baca, right? Hrghh. Why can't I just drop those fellas esp Bio. Well, my dad always outstation so I need tutor for Add Math and Physics. From people with A1 results bhaha. I want A1 for all subjects >< Go go chayok! Bukan berangan, tapi impian. HAHA
Jean Yenn's Sweet Sixteen Party
It was a blast! It was held at Royal Perak Golf Club on 5th Sept 09. About 30, maybe 40 people were at the party. Including me, Anie, Miera, Wen June, Sze Yen and blablabla. Okay. So, we had Japanese cuisine for dinner. My fav duh! There were sushi, fresh seafood, unagi fried rice, udon, miso sup and teriyaki chicken. I was hoping for a teriyaki eel :P Bhaha. Osh. Mengada pulak ni.

Well, after a quick 'breakfast', Anie, Miera and I went for a prayer. The surau was scaryy. Haha. Then we cepat2 naik balik nak sambung makan. We had our dinner while listening to songs, dancing and watch some people playing some games. Then Yenn Foong sang More Than Words and Kiss Me. Joycelyn sang A Whole New World.
I joined in a game. Well, not really 'join'. Jean Yenn paksa lol. I was in a team with Yean Yean, Anie, Miera and Jasmine. We played 'pass the seaweed with you mouth'. Haha. Lawak le! It was fun and our team win the game. Wuhuu!
Tortured '--
From left; Me, Anie, Yean Yean, Miera, Jennifer
It was reallyyy exhausted, but yeah, we had tons of fun! Everyone was happy and screaming with joy. I went home at about almost 11 o'clock. I was like friggin tireeeeed '-- Honestly, that was the most SUPER DUPER AWESOME birthday party I ever attend! Lols.
52nd Merdeka
This is my 52nd post btw :D
Merdeka kepada semua rakyat jelata. Muahaha. So the 52nd Merdeka is here at last. I think there won't be much celebrations as for the H1N1 cases. Plus, it's puasa month. But I like the documentaries they put up in Astro. So many things we can learn from watching those documentaries. And fun too.
Tanggal tiga puluh satu, Bulan lapan lima puluh tujuh
Merdeka, Merdeka, Tetaplah Merdeka
Ia pasti menjadi sejarah
Dah lama tak nyanyi lagu ni. Well, waktu last day sekolah memang ada Merdeka celebration. But I was absent. So, just sing it in my heart la :)

Sebelum Merdeka, Tanah Melayu sering dijajah. Antara penjajahnya ialah Portugis, British, Jepun dan Komunis. Tetapi semua itu tinggal sejarah. Yang selebihnya terserah kepada pemimpin kita. Semoga dengan kuasa perlantikannya, beliau bertekad untuk buat yang terbaik demi Malaysia serta rakyatnya.
Terima kasih kepada pahlawan-pahlawan negara, pemimpin yang terdahulu, pemberontak penjajah dan semua yang menyokong kemerdekaan negara.
Allahyarham Tunku Abdul Rahman melaungkan Merdeka di depan khalayak ramai pada 1957. Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Laungannya bergema di seluruh jiwa penduduk Tanah Melayu. Ini barulah semangat kan? Haha
Penduduk Tanah Melayu dahulu tidak habis-habis dijatuhkan oleh penjajah. Penduduk Malaysia masa kini tidak habis-habis hilang maruah kerana perbuatan sendiri. Setuju?
Merdeka. Kita mungkin telah Merdeka daripada penjajah. Tetapi sudahkah kita Merdeka dari diri kita sendiri? Dari keburukan dan kejahatan yang kita lakukan. Dari segi tingkah laku dan sahsiah diri. Dari semua aspek yang membentuk seorang insan jati. Apakah kita benar-benar telah Merdeka?
A Snake in the House
So, it have been a while since I last updated my blog. So many things happened in the last weeks. Good things, bad things, scary things. On Wednesday night, we got a visitor. Whom doesn't looks yummy. He looks scary and ewww.
I was asleep. The time maybe about 11.30. Suddenly my mom knock on my door so hard I woke up! Terkejut gila. I though a burglar or what entered the house. I went in front and Mama said she suspected a snake entered our house. She called 999. Some minutes later the Pertahanan Awam Malaysia people came. Three men. They went into the house with shoes on. Safety precautions laa. YES, there was a snake in my house. COBRA, to be exact. Then they strugled for about 10 minutes until the snake was caught.
Frog Hunting
Wednesday was a tough day. Having a pain in my stomach and yet need to strugle with it to find frogs. Haha. I went to a specialist in the morning. And I had a scan(macam nak tengok baby). The whole thing plus lots of medicine cost RM82. Yeah, EIGHT-TWO RIGGIT and Mama need to pay for it. On Monday I just went for a check up and Papa paid RM27 and I got three packets of medic shits. So I have so many medicines and all those cost RM109 just for this week! ><
Then in evening, Mama, Kina and I went to petshops to find for A FROG but we can't find any. The fun part is we got to see many animals and fishes. We saw Hamsters, Rabbits, Dogs, Cats, Hedgehog, Squirrels, Chipmunk, Crickets, Birdies, and even Chinchillas! They are SUPER DUPER CUTE! We even bought a male Guinea pig :D Still haven't give him a name though :|
We stopped by about 10 petshops and fishing shops. Not even a frog! Gave up and felt jittery we went home. I tried to find a frog in the garden, but none was captured. Feeling upset, totally sad and down, I gave up again. Later Mama said that we can find frogs in her office garden. Hopefully. And we did! One haha. I caught it with my own hands :P Then pergi dinner. Terus haha. After dinner we went home. I smiled all the way home sebab dapat katak. Bhaha.
In school I disected the frog! :D Okay it was mean and sad, but it's for studying purpose. I hate those people who felt sorry and sad for their frogs. Ugh! Bodoh. Dah tau sayang katak tu janganla bedah. Bodoh sangat apahal? Pastu nak marah2 org pulak.
People were screaming with joy and fear. The frogs were jumping madly when Cik Jash pour chlorine into their container. I do felt sorry at that moment. It was like, torturing the frogs :/
When we were disecting, we cut a horizontal line across the frog abdomen. Skin first, then flesh. Then we saw the heart beating and some other organs. The lungs are cutee xP My group's frogs are freaks :| One have an unidentified 'organ' which we prefer to call it 'ketumbuhan' haha. And the other one, we taught it was dead! Until we saw it's heart beating. Nasib baik tak mati katak aku haha.
Jean Yenn's frog
Organs were taken out :|
My frog
*look closely and find the difference of their organs
Stop la dulu. Naik geli tengok gambar katak ni bhaha.
End of July
This July I've been facing a lot of difficulties. And I've been seeing even experiencing fears, sadness and rages which aren't as usual. The end of July is though enough for me and I don't want any. But I want the sweet memories rolled in the mixture of fears, sadness and rages keep coming into my life.
Sweet Memories of This Week:
We(i and some other SMC students) saw some lesbo kissing at the Parade carparks just after our recess perios. Hulalla. It was a shocking to see a 'free show' as what we call it. Everyone was excited and laughed all the way to class. In class, I and Anis peeked at the window and they we're gone. But we manage to make our day fun! We acted as it the lesbo are there smooching. Anis cakap "We, we, we, ade org kut!!" And I created some silly words too bhaha. Satu kelas berlari ke tingkap nak tengok. Even budak kelas lain pun ade yg selambe je masuk! I and Anis laughed our guts out! Gila lawak!
The other time was waktu rehat on Friday. Makan and share food with Ikha. Syok la we.
And some other times my friends had a fight and i get stucked between o.O well now they're okay
Err.. I don't really know what to say bhaha. Sorryyyy for wasting ya time ><
Merentas Desa & Hari Kokurikulum 2009
25th July 2009 is another day which I won't forget. I have much fun, and pain '-.- I jog for about 4km across the town and finished 24th. It's a shame that I failed so badly. I finished 7th last year! It's a big lost! I hate myself haha. Maybe tak cukup rest kut. Next year I must get better in every activity I join! >< Last year lee
Okay. So after Merentas Desa I had persembahan kawad KRS. Many people like it so much. It's spectacular :) Then makan-makan and lepak dgn kawan.
Last was the prize giving ceremony and I felt bad. I didn't get the trophy for finishing four places late! - last year was only medal. And I felt worse for not joining the netball competition. They got first and a 'gold' trophy! Tp tu pun sebab Maria ade. I couldn't have score any goal '-.- Haihhh. At least dapat la jugak hamper untuk kawad. And that doesn't really matter at all. What matter is that I got to know the others well and tighten up the bond between friends and acquantaince :D
I hope I will do better in next year activities and be good and get good results in exams and life
Majlis Hari Anugerah 2009
Today, I had fun in school. Naik pentass bhaha. Nothing actually. I just received a certificate and RM50 for getting straight As in PMR. Boriiiing. But the RM50 is such a bargain! Pn Loh told us that the PIBG club donated a sum of RM9000 plus for the prize :o Dalam diam sebenarnya kaya jugak kan?
Before the prize giving, the choir team sang the Lagu Sekolah, Gemilang and... *tak ingat. Their voice were gorgeous. Then it was the prize giving ceremony. Music students played the cak lempong and gamelan. After that, they were choral speaking, tradimode, blind-folded piano play, solo singing and a tribute to Micheal Jackson performance.
The last performance was the drama of Puteri Hang Li Po which was played by Wasilah Puteri de Convent. It was the best performance yet! The drama was both touching and funny. Here are the main characters:
Puteri Hang Li Po: Nurul Nur Habibi
Sultan Mansor Shah: B. Shalani
Hang Jebat: Nor Baiti
Dang Wangi: Munirah
P Raden Galoh: Amirah
They were gorgeous, fantastics and superb. Not only these people, I mean all!
The actress and crews of Wasilah Puteri
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