It was a blast! It was held at Royal Perak Golf Club on 5th Sept 09. About 30, maybe 40 people were at the party. Including me, Anie, Miera, Wen June, Sze Yen and blablabla. Okay. So, we had Japanese cuisine for dinner. My fav duh! There were sushi, fresh seafood, unagi fried rice, udon, miso sup and teriyaki chicken. I was hoping for a teriyaki eel :P Bhaha. Osh. Mengada pulak ni.

Well, after a quick 'breakfast', Anie, Miera and I went for a prayer. The surau was scaryy. Haha. Then we cepat2 naik balik nak sambung makan. We had our dinner while listening to songs, dancing and watch some people playing some games. Then Yenn Foong sang More Than Words and Kiss Me. Joycelyn sang A Whole New World.
I joined in a game. Well, not really 'join'. Jean Yenn paksa lol. I was in a team with Yean Yean, Anie, Miera and Jasmine. We played 'pass the seaweed with you mouth'. Haha. Lawak le! It was fun and our team win the game. Wuhuu!
Tortured '--
From left; Me, Anie, Yean Yean, Miera, Jennifer
It was reallyyy exhausted, but yeah, we had tons of fun! Everyone was happy and screaming with joy. I went home at about almost 11 o'clock. I was like friggin tireeeeed '-- Honestly, that was the most SUPER DUPER AWESOME birthday party I ever attend! Lols.
yeah ! :DD
photo 2 dari bawah macam best. haha :)
Haha. Yeah mmg. Baru nak start makan time tu
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