Friday. BSLN & KLCC
First, ikut Mama g Balai Seni Lukis Negara. Mama ade keje sikit. Then we eat kat Istana Budaya. Bufet oh.. && the food is gorgeous! Pas makan pergi plak KLCC. Teman Mama hantar buku to Galeri Petronas. Alang2 dah ade kat sane, g round2 jalan2 jap. & g Kinokuniya. DUH, the biggest book store in Malaysia! (i think '=.=)
Saturday. Times Square & Malacca
Hari ni bangun awal. About 10 something, we went to Berjaya Times Square. Ade Anime & Games Festival by Hotlink. Best ouh! Waktu tgh syok2 tu tetibe Abg Ju muncul :O Lepas habis then makan kat Papa's Pizza. Sedap! Later dah habis makan semua nak balik la, then tetibe Abg Ju bg RM50 :O (lg skali) Terkejut! Haha. Thank you
A mopetz character
.bersambung. (tgh malas '=.=)
1 comment:
smart 0uwh k0stume di0runk..
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