10th April 2009, Jumaat, Good Friday. A big day for me, Anie & Angah Ija. Yeah. We have the same birthdate. Cool huh? Hee.. The first person yg wished me is Syaida! Yg rajin sgt call me pulak are Fateh & Riz. Then ade kawad, deorg nyanyi lagu Happy Birthday haha. Anie plak tetibe dtg, cakap happy birthday, and bg satu plastik ni. Malu kot nak accept! Haha. Sorry xbagi ape2 kat Anie. Sorry sgt2! X( Overalll, happy gile hee. *Speechless

Teddy & Choclairs from Anie. Toblerone from Ateqah. Key chain from Shafiza. Thankiu all! :D
Btw sebenarnye firsssttt skali yg wish me Farahin haha. Tp waktu tu the day before that, xdikire la haha! Nak cakap ape lg haa? Xtau dah. Thanks to all who wished me!
Epah, turned roaring 16 on 10th of April
1 comment:
malu kambing pulak haha :D ily!
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