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And yeah I used rojak language, so you might not want to read this

Ija's Sweet Sixteen Party

So, I was among the earliest person to know about this thing haha *bangga. It was helded at McD. First ktorg -me, ija, sherot, saf- jalan2 jap. Aryna, Aliaa and Nana tunggu kat McD. Sherot bought a Phillip's headphone cost RM85 for Ija. Woaahh :O Cool right? Haha.

Around 3 pm we started everything. We ate and ate and ate haha. Then we talk and have jokes. Not much but it was fun. Later, some people(taktau nama lol) and Zalila came too.

I bought Spicy Chicken McDeluxe large set. I got a free pink Coca-Cola contour glass. It looks cool. Planning to collect all 7 glasses :)

Btw, we had no cakes so Saf bought some Big Apple's doughnuts and put candles on it *as illustrated. Berebut2 dgn Sherot and Nana, nak light up the candles X)

Then Ija opened all her presents. You know Sherot bagi ape, haha. Then Aryna, Aliaa and Nana bg benda merepek gila. LOL. As if for me, I bought her nothing :( Sorry babe. Nanti2 la.

Bla bla bla and it's almost 6 pm. Everyone had to go already. & Nana dah balik awal dulu. So, that's all.

FUN :)

Always be happy :)

Friends forever <333

P/S: Not really in a good mood. & DUH I told you, karma exist. Fighting and cursing myself.

Shopping Spree

Yesterday I went to Parade with my family. Me and Mama went shopping and Kina and Papa went to Novelhut. My mom bought me a pair of Voir Jeans, a Beverly Hills' hoodie, and two cute t-shirts from the Madoc Collection. I really like those stuffs. Thanks Mama :) I even bought a Cadburyyy :D

Then before heading home, we stopped by McD to buy french fries, coke and chocolate sunday for me, and McFlurry Oreo for my bro.

Today, Mama and I went to Tesco. Again, she bought me a pair of Baju Kurung, a cute t-shirt with a Cow's figure on it (moo), three anonymous thingy and a pair of heels. We spend about one and a half hours shopping there '--

P/S: I got two Baju Kurung, three t-shirts, a pair of jeans, a pair of sandals and heels, and a hoodie for Hari Raya. It all cost about RM406. So waste lerr :| But I'm grateful enough :)

Today I had fun in school! We spend most of our time loitering in the class, doing Rubik cube! I solve it sooo many times already until I felt like puking on it. Well, Thanks so much to Nana, Syefah and Miera who taught me to solve it. And thanks to others who involved in helping me :)

I also got Hari Raya cards -well not actually 'cards' haha- from Syefah and Anie. And 'real cards' from Racheal and Shafiza. Thanks guys.

Then we had Majlis Hari Raya or whatever they called it. Some lucky people got duit raya from the school. After the duit raya giving ceremony, we shake hands with each others -including teachers- and minta maaf for doing anything wrong. We hug and wish Selamat Hari Raya to all of our friends. I said it sooo many times that I felt like puking for saying it LOL. Some of us did cried. Not me though.


Have fun menyambut Hari Raya. Makan banyak-banyak and semoga dapat duit banyak LOLS

Today, school is such a fine place

I had fun in school. TOTALLY! Even though I wasn't feeling really well I can still laugh my guts out when some of my classmates made some unnecessary jokes. Especially my beeeestfriends :) Well the whole class is kinda like my best friends, like my family :) But Syarifah was absent :( Okay, so today we have no homework! Even for Add Math haha. But I need to do some works on Math to catch up with yesterday's homework.

So today we had English oral. 9 people were chosen today. One of them is Paveena. Oh, I love her speech very much! It's about the goodness and badness of schooling lols. Okay, so she started by saying school is such a nice place to make friends, get away from our parents' eyes, and have fun. Here come the best part! The odd of schools. Bhaha. Okay, so she said schools give us mentally disturbed, stress because the subjects we need to learn is soooo damn much. Then, sometimes the teachers have bad mood swings, again we, students, become the victims of stress. The next thing is, every student, I mean EVERY STUDENT, just studies all those subjects to pass the stupid exams that said were set to test our 'mind'. That's another stress.

There are much more that she touches on. But I like this one VERYY MUCH. The UNIFORM - the same outfits we need to wear everyday. Stinking school uniforms which are so ugly. HAHA. And that means we are bonded with the school rules and regulations which are so waste of time and money. And I mean, some of the school rules are stupid. Unreasonable school rules, SUCKS. Haha. That make us feels like in jails! As Paveena said, she read a comic strip with a boy saying "Schools and jails. What's the different?"Everyone laugh! HAHA

So I really like the way she gave the speech. So professional and Mr Gee even invited her to join the school debate team. Wow! :O

Status: I want Cadbury and McD and love and honey and a new bed and a new Sony Ericson's phone and some new clothes and a pair of new sneakers and a new hoodie and be happy :(



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I got 2 Baby Boys and 2 Baby Girls

So this thing should be wrote on 11th September. But I was wayyyy to busyyy bhaha. Okay. I got two baby boys and two baby girls - if I'm not mistaken. Surprisingly it's like the one I planned for! HAHA. They are sooo cute. One is black, two are grayish black, and the other is grayish white -just like a Siberian Cat. Okay so you know it. They are four kitties :)

As big as a palm - Siberian Cat

So cute, right? I first realise in the morning while I was waiting for my bus. But that time there was only one kitten- the black one. Then when I went back home, my sister told me there are four babies! Wohoo :D Their mom is Siren. Which was Rori's mommy too :'( Okay, enough being sad haha. Need to focus on taking care of these babies now X)

Siren and her babies :)


Yeah, so I got back all my August Monthly Test results. And I did super duper totally well! Except for that Add Math which I failed. Haha. Tak sihat la masa tu. Swear. Okay, so I really wasn't actually ready for the test. Well, except for Sejarah and Chemistry. And my marks are awesomeee. From B4 I jumped up to A1. Wohoo! The following are my results -not 100% sure:

Bahasa Malaysia - 94%
Bahasa Inggeris - 92%
Chemistry - 92%
Mathematics - 83%
Sejarah - 83%
Agama - 78%
Biology - 68%
Physics - 65%
Add Math - 8%
Sivik - TH

Am I good? Bhaha. Need to focus more on Add Math, Physics and Bio '-- Which I dislike. I've started practicing Add Math since the last few days. I got help from my dad. Thank you, Papa :D But then I soooo 'unlike' to study Physics. Bio boleh lagi la just baca baca, right? Hrghh. Why can't I just drop those fellas esp Bio. Well, my dad always outstation so I need tutor for Add Math and Physics. From people with A1 results bhaha. I want A1 for all subjects >< Go go chayok! Bukan berangan, tapi impian. HAHA

Jean Yenn's Sweet Sixteen Party

It was a blast! It was held at Royal Perak Golf Club on 5th Sept 09. About 30, maybe 40 people were at the party. Including me, Anie, Miera, Wen June, Sze Yen and blablabla. Okay. So, we had Japanese cuisine for dinner. My fav duh! There were sushi, fresh seafood, unagi fried rice, udon, miso sup and teriyaki chicken. I was hoping for a teriyaki eel :P Bhaha. Osh. Mengada pulak ni.

Well, after a quick 'breakfast', Anie, Miera and I went for a prayer. The surau was scaryy. Haha. Then we cepat2 naik balik nak sambung makan. We had our dinner while listening to songs, dancing and watch some people playing some games. Then Yenn Foong sang More Than Words and Kiss Me. Joycelyn sang A Whole New World.

I joined in a game. Well, not really 'join'. Jean Yenn paksa lol. I was in a team with Yean Yean, Anie, Miera and Jasmine. We played 'pass the seaweed with you mouth'. Haha. Lawak le! It was fun and our team win the game. Wuhuu!

Tortured '--

From left; Me, Anie, Yean Yean, Miera, Jennifer

It was reallyyy exhausted, but yeah, we had tons of fun! Everyone was happy and screaming with joy. I went home at about almost 11 o'clock. I was like friggin tireeeeed '-- Honestly, that was the most SUPER DUPER AWESOME birthday party I ever attend! Lols.