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And yeah I used rojak language, so you might not want to read this

52nd Merdeka

This is my 52nd post btw :D

Merdeka kepada semua rakyat jelata. Muahaha. So the 52nd Merdeka is here at last. I think there won't be much celebrations as for the H1N1 cases. Plus, it's puasa month. But I like the documentaries they put up in Astro. So many things we can learn from watching those documentaries. And fun too.

Tanggal tiga puluh satu, Bulan lapan lima puluh tujuh
Merdeka, Merdeka, Tetaplah Merdeka
Ia pasti menjadi sejarah

Dah lama tak nyanyi lagu ni. Well, waktu last day sekolah memang ada Merdeka celebration. But I was absent. So, just sing it in my heart la :)

Sebelum Merdeka, Tanah Melayu sering dijajah. Antara penjajahnya ialah Portugis, British, Jepun dan Komunis. Tetapi semua itu tinggal sejarah. Yang selebihnya terserah kepada pemimpin kita. Semoga dengan kuasa perlantikannya, beliau bertekad untuk buat yang terbaik demi Malaysia serta rakyatnya.

Terima kasih kepada pahlawan-pahlawan negara, pemimpin yang terdahulu, pemberontak penjajah dan semua yang menyokong kemerdekaan negara.

Allahyarham Tunku Abdul Rahman melaungkan Merdeka di depan khalayak ramai pada 1957. Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Laungannya bergema di seluruh jiwa penduduk Tanah Melayu. Ini barulah semangat kan? Haha

Penduduk Tanah Melayu dahulu tidak habis-habis dijatuhkan oleh penjajah. Penduduk Malaysia masa kini tidak habis-habis hilang maruah kerana perbuatan sendiri. Setuju?

Merdeka. Kita mungkin telah Merdeka daripada penjajah. Tetapi sudahkah kita Merdeka dari diri kita sendiri? Dari keburukan dan kejahatan yang kita lakukan. Dari segi tingkah laku dan sahsiah diri. Dari semua aspek yang membentuk seorang insan jati. Apakah kita benar-benar telah Merdeka?

A Snake in the House

So, it have been a while since I last updated my blog. So many things happened in the last weeks. Good things, bad things, scary things. On Wednesday night, we got a visitor. Whom doesn't looks yummy. He looks scary and ewww.

I was asleep. The time maybe about 11.30. Suddenly my mom knock on my door so hard I woke up! Terkejut gila. I though a burglar or what entered the house. I went in front and Mama said she suspected a snake entered our house. She called 999. Some minutes later the Pertahanan Awam Malaysia people came. Three men. They went into the house with shoes on. Safety precautions laa. YES, there was a snake in my house. COBRA, to be exact. Then they strugled for about 10 minutes until the snake was caught.


Frog Hunting

Wednesday was a tough day. Having a pain in my stomach and yet need to strugle with it to find frogs. Haha. I went to a specialist in the morning. And I had a scan(macam nak tengok baby). The whole thing plus lots of medicine cost RM82. Yeah, EIGHT-TWO RIGGIT and Mama need to pay for it. On Monday I just went for a check up and Papa paid RM27 and I got three packets of medic shits. So I have so many medicines and all those cost RM109 just for this week! ><

Then in evening, Mama, Kina and I went to petshops to find for A FROG but we can't find any. The fun part is we got to see many animals and fishes. We saw Hamsters, Rabbits, Dogs, Cats, Hedgehog, Squirrels, Chipmunk, Crickets, Birdies, and even Chinchillas! They are SUPER DUPER CUTE! We even bought a male Guinea pig :D Still haven't give him a name though :|

We stopped by about 10 petshops and fishing shops. Not even a frog! Gave up and felt jittery we went home. I tried to find a frog in the garden, but none was captured. Feeling upset, totally sad and down, I gave up again. Later Mama said that we can find frogs in her office garden. Hopefully. And we did! One haha. I caught it with my own hands :P Then pergi dinner. Terus haha. After dinner we went home. I smiled all the way home sebab dapat katak. Bhaha.

In school I disected the frog! :D Okay it was mean and sad, but it's for studying purpose. I hate those people who felt sorry and sad for their frogs. Ugh! Bodoh. Dah tau sayang katak tu janganla bedah. Bodoh sangat apahal? Pastu nak marah2 org pulak.

People were screaming with joy and fear. The frogs were jumping madly when Cik Jash pour chlorine into their container. I do felt sorry at that moment. It was like, torturing the frogs :/

When we were disecting, we cut a horizontal line across the frog abdomen. Skin first, then flesh. Then we saw the heart beating and some other organs. The lungs are cutee xP My group's frogs are freaks :| One have an unidentified 'organ' which we prefer to call it 'ketumbuhan' haha. And the other one, we taught it was dead! Until we saw it's heart beating. Nasib baik tak mati katak aku haha.

Jean Yenn's frog

Organs were taken out :|

My frog

*look closely and find the difference of their organs

Stop la dulu. Naik geli tengok gambar katak ni bhaha.

End of July

This July I've been facing a lot of difficulties. And I've been seeing even experiencing fears, sadness and rages which aren't as usual. The end of July is though enough for me and I don't want any. But I want the sweet memories rolled in the mixture of fears, sadness and rages keep coming into my life.

Sweet Memories of This Week:

We(i and some other SMC students) saw some lesbo kissing at the Parade carparks just after our recess perios. Hulalla. It was a shocking to see a 'free show' as what we call it. Everyone was excited and laughed all the way to class. In class, I and Anis peeked at the window and they we're gone. But we manage to make our day fun! We acted as it the lesbo are there smooching. Anis cakap "We, we, we, ade org kut!!" And I created some silly words too bhaha. Satu kelas berlari ke tingkap nak tengok. Even budak kelas lain pun ade yg selambe je masuk! I and Anis laughed our guts out! Gila lawak!

The other time was waktu rehat on Friday. Makan and share food with Ikha. Syok la we.

And some other times my friends had a fight and i get stucked between o.O well now they're okay

Err.. I don't really know what to say bhaha. Sorryyyy for wasting ya time ><