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And yeah I used rojak language, so you might not want to read this

Please buy me a collection of Roald Dahl's book?

Can you. Please so veryyyy much. I'll peck you in the cheek if you do so! :D

Roald Dahl is the world's num 1 famous story teller. I totally agree with that. And if you don't know about it, you are so not into reading I guess? '-- There are tons and tons of evidence for the title given to him. He wrote every story with all his heart, putting some of the experience he had and pulling us into the world he create. I could imagine I'm in a field full of many kinds of creature, or in a factory covered with chocolate everywhere. And he is soooo good at describing food that it make me hungry every time I read about it. Yorkshire pudding, roast pheasants, toad-in-the-hole. What are them? I never even seen a food so fine. He even made up new interesting words which sound cool for me.

As for the illustrations, it was rather simple but meaningful at the same time. Thanks to Quentin Blake, Roald Dahl's books full with painted illustrations. These best friends made a fine couple in producing children's story books :) And his books are not for children only! No for golly good sake! -that what he always use in his text bhaha. Even teenagers and adults enjoy reading his books. Like I said, he somewhat pulls us to a different dimension. A dimension so different that we'll start wondering about the life in that place.

And for your information, he even fought in the World War II. That time he was 23 and he signed up with the Royal Air Force in Nairobi. However despite of his height, he was accepted only as a pilot officer. He even had a luger P08 pistol (as shown beside) pointed at his head by the leader of a German convoy! Roald Dahl's exploites in the war are detailed in his autobiography GOING SOLO. I want that book, please?

Well, thanks to Roald Dahl my English is better. Wayyy better. And I guess reading too much of his stories started to make me scribble my own stories :P Well, he is a good influence. I would really like to meet him but unfortunately he died on 1990. 3 years before I even alive D: The next time if I got the chance to go to London, I'll visit the Roald Dahl's museum or something like that '--

For more information please visit :)

P/S Do you think I can be a SCRUMPTIOUS author like him?
Please say yes :D


$yAr!FaH L!yaNa said...

hye!..i've got loads of his books...ur so true about him..
he's the best..and if u have wht it takes to be like him..i'll sure say YES!!=)

Epah said...

Aww thanks! :D Buku ape?
Nakkkk. My fav one yg Fantastic Mr Fox tu
*winkwink <3333 Dia sgat hebattt