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And yeah I used rojak language, so you might not want to read this


*12March (Friday)
Okay, belum start cuti tp dah ponteng hee. So went to Terengganu that day. First we like kelam kabut and all haha. Everone woke up late. Then we sent Jebat to the clinic. It was his first time lah. So muke de mcm cuak je haha. Brought his toy together haha!

Meet Jebat :)

We get to stopped at Cameron Highlands. Bought strawberry drinks and cakes and stuffs. Mama bought tea and ginger tea (wow ginger?). That night we went for majlis pernikahan Abg Ju. It was scary haha. I mean both the brides looked scared and tired haha. And I was too lols

*13 March
Today is the perkahwinan. It was a terrible day for me -___- I was going to give the hantaran until I realised a leech bit my left foot. It was a good thing that I didn't alarmed anyone or else all the gifts and presents and stuffs would be EVERYWHERE HAHA. I told them after the wedding and they were SUPER SHOCKED

Later me and my family went round2 the city. We brought kueh. I loveee the jala mas. I was looking for kasidah but couldn't find it ;( We even stopped at a village to see people playing wau. It is a traditional game mainly famous in Terengganu and Kelantan. Unlike kites, wau had better shapes and carvings. A wau bulan will produce a low-pitch sound when gliding in air because of its' arched tail. I like the wau burung more as it looks like a real big bird flying. There are even wau looked like spaceships.

OH OH, at night I got to Skype with Kak Iji -until the connection was accidentally cut off '-- She's in Paraguay doing her studies in medic. Where is Paraguay? Search the net laaah haiyooo '--

*14 March
Last day in Terengganu. Left for Ipoh at 2afternoon. It was tiring but AWESOME :)

*17 March
Gath with friends at Jaya Jusco! It was SUPERB! :D We watched Alice in Wonderland. Ija, Nana, Aliaa and Anis went there by bus. We arrived around 11 and was SHOCKED to see people scrambling in the movie theater arena! Alice in Wonderland's tickets were selling out FAST. Semue dah tulis FULL and some even SOLD. GAAAH! Last2 dapaaat jugak. A 4.20 movie. The seats? Okay la. FIRST ROW haha. Tp best lah. Siap duduk2 bawah lagi haha. After that went to the toilet and snap pictures -taktau la napeee mesti toilet jugak? Oh! Terserempak dgn Kak Moon :) Dia kerja kat Pizza Hut dah. Balik dekat pukul 7 haha. I told ya it's going to be exciting. Sape suruh tak nak ikut?


*18 March
Went to Lostworld of Tambun with Kina, Hidayah, Fix and Farina :) BEST. We went to the Petting Zoo and pet many animals -monkey, guinea pig, hamster, porcupine, sugar glider, iguana, blue-tongued something, ferret, parrot, baby goat & birds (lots of em!). Oh they even have a skunk! LOL. Then we splashed into the water *blurpblurpblurp. It was refreshing at the same time hot haha. Me and Fix can't stop saying 'Kan best kalau Punkers ade? Mesti syok gila' Haha. Korg niii.. Party crasher betul laa. Pas SPM turun ramai2 tau! :D


*the March test was awesome!

*my biology suuucks ><

*my holiday rocks!

*alice in wonderland RULES!

*the homeworks are JUST maths and BM *winkwink

*my credit went from RM5++ to RM1-- for texting frens about the gath *sobs


Madu said...

jala mas ? kasidah ? anie ingat epah ajar anie time kat terengganu dulu :):)

Epah said...

haha bagus la ingat tu maknanya anie syg kat epah :D

zici's said...

aduh korang nih, romantik lakk. hahaha

Epah said...
