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And yeah I used rojak language, so you might not want to read this

18 Oktober 2010

Today I went to school at last -after 3 weeks 'MC'. Kecoh td macam artis pulak ngahaha. Kelas? Same as usual. Kotor haha. Kawan-kawan? Well I learned to play Eminem's Love the Way You Lie ft. Rihanna on piano with Syefah as my 'mahaguru' hehe. Hebat la lu sifu ;D Pastu lepak ramai-ramai kat upper hall nd it was fuuun. Graduation day nnt each class kena buat performance buuut my class taktau la apapasal keras kepala sgt, gamaknya semua pnd sgt kut, susah betuiiil nak co-operate. Dah org bg idea org ni merajuk, org ni mengutuk, ada yg tak puas hati la. Graduation Day? It's this Saturday and I haven't choose an 'appropriate' clothing to match the theme which is Retro. Aannd I guess on that day everyone else will wear cute, nice dresses and mini skirts nd all nd I just gonna wear jeans with some of my cool friends haha. 

Tengok tak iklan the new Volkswagen Polo? Which goes something like 
"Hey! What's the red thing outside?" 
"It's the new Polo, cool huh?" 
"Cool?! *laughs Lets see who's cool"
Their outfit is totally retro nd it's so cool. 
Retro nk pakai macam totally retro ke rockers ke mcm beatles ke (haha)?
Kang pakai mini skirts habih pengsan ustazah haha

Td punggah-punggah my room to find something to wear for Graduation Day and I found Levi's jeans, Calvin Klein jeans, a rockers vest, some bell-bottoms and t-shirts with retro images. Sebelum ni tak pernah ambik kesah pun padahal semua ada dah '--

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