You are given a token of gratitude for stopping by

And yeah I used rojak language, so you might not want to read this


Happy New Year to all from across the world!
Hope 2010 will be a better year for all of us

Hope there will be less war
Hope there will be less corruption
And hope there will be less exploited nature

To my family,
Sometimes I just can't cope up with the rules
And I think it's unfair to have things 'that' way
Maybe I'm not showing you but I love you
And still I want you to understand me too
Hope this year you and I will be much more closer
Let me have my own life
Let me have my own choice
Sometimes things are not meant the way they're suppose to be

To all the 5th and 3rd formers,
Study hard and smart for your big examination
Never let anything get between you and knowledge
Never swear or curse your teacher
Never forget your god
Lastly, good luck to the SPM and PMR candidates

To all my friends,
Hope we'll always stay as friends
And become closer each day
Hope we won't fight anymore
Hope you will forgive my wrongness
Hope you and I will be the best :)

To honey,
I'm sorry for hurting you 365 days on 2009
I'll try not to do it for 2010
Hope we'll get better each day
Hope you and me won't ended up breaking up
What ever people say I still love you
And hope you won't mind the bad things people say bout you
I'll always love you
Yes 'they' don't like our relationship
But who cares, really?
Lets study together and strike for the best
I owe you so many things

1 comment:

Madu said...

heee. iloveyou epah :)