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And yeah I used rojak language, so you might not want to read this

1st Personality Test

If you wanna play this, please be honest and don't read the blue texts -try to resist- :) Then only it'll be fun! Promise.

You were lost in a forest, then you found a house. Is the door open or close?
Close [i'm a close person. huh?]

You went into the house, you saw a table? What's the shape of the table?
Round? [i can get well with my friends and i'm not picky in choosing friends]

There's a vase on the table? Is the water level in the vase empty, half or full?
Half [i haven't achieve my dreams yet '--]

Is the vase made out of porcelain, glass, plastic, wood, metal or clay?
Wood [im a tough one]

You get out of the house again, then you saw a waterfall 2-3 meters away. From 1-4, rate the speed of the stream.
Uhh.. 1? [something to do with xxx]

You walked again, you found a keychain. How many keys were there?
Uhh 3? [i own lots of friends. yeahh]

Next, you past by a castle. Is the castle old or new?
Old -It's classic DUH [the previous relationship was not a good one? which PREVIOUS relationship haa?]

Then you saw a bunch of jewellary, did you take it?
Naaah -I'm a goodie goodiee :D [im a loyal person DUH haha]

Next you saw a bag of money? Hmmm?
I'll take it! :D -sorry, can't resist [i've got a partner and still flirting? NOT TRUE >< ]

Then you enter into a huge garden and you saw a box -somewhere-. Is the box small, medium or big?
Small -small things are cutee [my ego is small keh]

Was the box made out of cardboard, wooden, paper or metal?
Wooden? [...cant rmmbr...]

Then you saw a bridge. Is the bridge made out of metal, wooden or rooten?
Wooden? Again? [the bond with my friends are strong. yeah, some]

Then you'll see a horse. Is the horse white, red, brown or black?
White -so angelic haha [i see my partner as a caring and humble person. SO TRUE :D ]

Is it running around, eating grass or staying still?
Eating grass? [my partner is soft-hearted. you wouldnt wanna know :| ]

Finally, if there's a tornado, would you hid in the box, hid under the bridge or ride the horse to run away?
Ride the horse -looks cool LOL. Besides why won't I save the horse too? [when i got problems, i'll tell my friends and we'll solve it together. yeaahh. trustable friends laa]

*these are the questions and MY answers
*the meaning is in the brackets --> [.............]
*this thing is so not 100% true

got this during civic lesson
from cik jash :)

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