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And yeah I used rojak language, so you might not want to read this

Third Week of Raya

So, this is the third week of Raya. People still having open houses and stuffs. On Friday I went to Pak Yussof's open house. The food are scrumptious! Macam-macaaam ada :) Mee goreng, nasi goreng, laksa, ketupat palas, nasi impit, mee sup, bbq and even kambing panggang :O I only ate mee sup and kambing panggang (rugi tak makan banyak '--) I like the mee sup so much!

Then I went to another neighbour house with my brother. I just ate some kuih and drank Ribena and went home. My brother stays there a little while and then he went to Pak Yussof's house again and grabbed some Bbq. So unfaiiiir.

I haven't visited any of my friends house for Raya :O Except for Maslaily. Haha. I went their with Fana today. Then makanmakanmakan like usual laaah. Best! But sulk sikit sebab dgr cite _____ *i better just shut up rite?

Btw, my kittens are 3weeks plusplus old now! :D Gebugebu Gemokgemok je semua haha. And they've been playing with me too ^^ And we've been like 11months together now kan honey?Woot wooot. You're so cruel yesterday :'/ But we're okay now rite? :D I love you laa bebeh.

P/S: Will be sitting for exam next week :(
And I haven't studied a thing!

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