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And yeah I used rojak language, so you might not want to read this

2nd Personality Test

Okay, so first you gotta have a paper, a pencil and an eraser with you. This one you need to draw :P If you're not good at drawing, just hentam laa. Like me LOL. AND please be honest to your self. Draw first, then only continue reading okay? :)

Btw, draw these things:
  1. Gunung
  2. Rumah
  3. Pokok
  4. Ular
  5. Sungai
  6. Burung
  7. Orang -org lidi pun jadiii lah
Lukis je ikut suke hatii. Ade rupe tu cukup laaah.
Don't look down yet! It wouldn't be fun anymore haha.

My drawing :D

Now time for the meaningsss HEES
  1. Gunung -Ketinggian gunung melambangkan your ambitions/dreams (eg: medium -dreams not too high or low)
  2. Rumah -Not available
  3. Pokok -If you drew fruits or flowers on it, mean you want to have babiess :D Well, if none then maybe your partner is mandul/mati pucuk or wtv you call them HAHA
  4. Ular I -Jarak dari rumah = jarak with your partner. If your snake is across the river, then he/she is someone from overseas LOL
  5. Ular II -The size of the snake shows yr level of xxx drive XD
  6. Sungai -not available
  7. Burung -Shows how many person that you like/adore :P
  8. Orang- If you drew the people outside the house, then you're open and got the guts. Wohoo! If dalam rumah, you are close and manja and wtv it is '--
*this thing is so not 100% true

P/S: sorry for the bad quality picture

got this during civic lesson
from cik jash :)

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