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And yeah I used rojak language, so you might not want to read this
So Raya is fantastic! :D Got to eat lots of Raya delicacies and get manyyy duit raya LOL

Two days before Raya, my family and I head back to kampung. Which is in Terengganu :| Far rite? The journey was exhaustiiiiing. On the road we saw many kinds of animals. My adek, Kina, was veryyy excited. We saw cows, sheeps, monkeys and even a dead boar XD

First Raya was great! We just beraya at rumah Toknong and Tok Ki. Got duit raya from relatives who visited us there :P Then after some rest, me, Kina and Syakir went to town with Abg Ju and his brother. He belanja McD :D Then we went to the beach and lepaklepak. We went home and found out Mama and Papa haven't go out the whole day '-- Btw it was Syakir's bday.

Second Raya was kinda tiring. We went here and there and ate lots of foooood until late at night. Still, it was fun. We even went to Tok Mi's house. He has lots of cute birdies :D

Third Raya is time to go home. We get to visit some relatives houses before heading back to Ipoh. And eat some more HAHA. The whole time in Terengganu, I've been stuffing myself with Nasi Minyak, Nasi Dagang and some other Terengganu cuisine :)

On the night of fourth Raya, I went to Harith's house. Her sister was engaged that day. And it was Kak Long's youngest son's birthday. So lot of things happened on one day. That night Ija, Rynn, her sister and me ate bbq and mee hoon goreng. And we had fun. Ija tak habis-habis main kamera sesape ntah haha. Then, jumpa la ramairamai org. Woot wooot. Her sister called me ------ Ntah HAHA. It was fun there.

The next day I held a rumah terbuka for friends. The main food was Dim Sum lol. Special food for Raya rite? Then Papa cooked mee goreng. First time tengok Papa masak! He even fried the keropok lekor. That day was boreeeed. Not many of my friends come and even honey didn't come! *sulk ;(

And we had a great humongous fight like never before
p/s: malas nak upload gambar